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Dumbbell Front Raise Exercise Guide (Step-by-Step)

Updated: Jul 22, 2021

The dumbbell front raise is a great overall exercise for the shoulders, specifically the front shoulder muscles, much like the incline front raise.

It is a fairly simple exercise, meaning you can add this to most other shoulder workouts alongside a multi-joint compound exercise such as the barbell shoulder press.

This exercise is the standing variation of the incline front raise.

The only equipment you require to do this exercise is quite common and found in most gyms, however if you wish to purchase some dumbbells to this at home, we have a link below for some good dumbbells on Amazon.

Just like the incline front raise, you can also use a barbell instead of dumbbells if you prefer, even cables or resistance bands will work.

To see more shoulder exercises click here.


(Dumbbell) Front Raise Exercise Instructions:

Target Muscle: Shoulders

Exercise Type: Strength

These instructions below are specifically designed for the dumbbell standing front raise exercise, however a similar method applies with the barbell, resistance band or cable variation of this exercise.

You can also do this exercise sitting on a bench at an incline, we have a separate exercise guide for the incline front raise here.

  1. To begin, grab a pair of dumbbells and stand upright with your body straight, the dumbbells in front of your thighs at arms length, your palms should face your body. This will be your starting position.

  2. Then, while keeping your body straight, lift the left dumbbell (or both) up and to the front with a slight bend at your elbow and the palms of the hands facing down toward the ground (when at the top of the rep).

  3. Continue to raise the dumbbell up until your arm (or arms) is about parallel with the floor.

  4. Pause for 1-2 seconds and contract your shoulders when your at the top of the rep.

  5. Lower the dumbbell back down slowly (over 1-3 seconds) to the starting position as you simultaneously lift the right dumbbell (unless your doing both arms at a time).

  6. Continue alternating until all of your desired amount of repetitions have been performed for each arm.

Additional Variations: You can do this exercise with a barbell, cables or resistance bands, you can also do both arms at a time or alternate between your arms. You can also do this exercise in a seated position at an incline.

dumbbell front raise

Caution: Do not use too much weight with this exercise as you may lose balance and good form, if you wish to go slightly heavier make sure to alternate your arms instead of doing both at the same time.

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