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The Hammer Strength Shrug | A Machine Shrug Trap Workout

Updated: Jan 31, 2021

The Hammer Strength Shrug Machine Exercise:

This is a machine exercise for the traps as it utilises a machine known as the hammer strength machine (this is also known as a Leverage Shrug), it creates a very effective exercise for the traps, and if done in a certain way can develop the whole back musculature.

Similarly to other traps exercises, this will improve their overall strength and size.

To see more traps exercises click here: #traps


Hammer Strength (Leverage Shrug) Exercise Instructions:

Target Muscle: Trapezius (Traps)

Exercise Type: Strength

Follow the instructions listed below for an effective and unique trap exercise, however, you will need access to one of these machines.

  1. Insert the pins, or add the plates, to your desired weight, depending on the machine type. Stand between the handles and grip the top handles with a sturdy and comfortable grip, then lower your hips as you take a breath.

  2. Look forward and keep your chest up. Drive through the floor with your heels, extending your hips and your knees as you raise yourself to an upright position, bend over slightly. This will be your starting position.

  3. Raise the weight by shrugging the shoulders towards your ears, moving straight up and down, to better activate the whole traps musculature, shrug slightly towards the rear too.

  4. Pause at the top of the motion, and then return to the starting position.

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