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100+ Muscle Building Tips (Complete List)

Updated: Aug 15, 2023

In this mega list you will find every tip and trick to help you build muscle. Everything listed on this article has some sort of research behind it.

Training Tips:

  • Do dynamic or loaded stretches. After you've worked out, do some dynamic or loaded stretching. This can help further increase muscle growth and improve recovery time.

  • Aim for muscle stimulation not pure weight. Aim for the feel of muscle activation instead of using heavy weight. Heavy weights, especially with incorrect form or the non-targeted muscles taking over the load, can cause injury. It's also pointless to be doing exercises in which the target muscles aren't being used.

  • Aim to work out a different muscle group every 3 to 5 days, or twice a week.

  • Always ensure your using the proper form and technique, not only to maximise muscle growth, but also to minimise the risk of injury.

  • Always have a purpose for an exercise, don't add random exercises into your workouts.

  • Always try to progressive overload.

  • Always warm up first.

  • Deload every 4 to 16 weeks, depending on your training time and recuperation time.

  • Don't just stick to your strength training program, venture into muscle growth rep ranges (8-12) every now and then.

  • Don't overdo 1-rep maxes, if you're training for strength, stick to the 2-6 rep range.

  • Don't overtrain, especially small muscles like the arms.

  • Focus on training compound, multi-joint exercises, such as the bench press, squat, deadlift, overhead press, etc.

  • For your arm workouts, try blood flow restriction exercises.

  • Get a pump every now and then. The muscle pump does have benefits for muscle growth when used in moderation.

  • If anything causes you pain, don't do it. Injury is detrimental to your health and long-term muscle growth.

  • If you can't feel a muscle during an activity, it's unlikely that it's being stimulated, meaning you should try another exercise.

  • If you have a weak body part, consider why it is weak before adding volume to it. If you need to change the exercise, do that.

  • If you only have three days a week to train, do full-body workouts.

  • If you want the best of both strength and muscle growth, stick to between 6-10 reps and use both compound and isolation exercises.

  • If you workout 5-6 days a week, you can split your workouts however you wish.

  • Include some cardio work in your workout (swimming, jogging, walking, etc) to maintain fitness, aid recuperation, and enhance nutrition partitioning.

  • Intensity techniques like rest pause and drop sets should be utilised every now and then.

  • Keep a journal of your progress.

  • Keep track of your rest periods, you can use it to enhance your workout.

  • Maintain tension in the muscles rather than the joints. If you feel your joints hurting, reduce the wright or change the exercise.

  • Not all exercises are designed to be performed vigorously. Face pulls, lateral lifts, curls, and extensions are just a few of them. They are best used sparsely and alongside other exercises.

  • Prior to adding more weight, concentrate on ‘dominating' a weight. Get very strong on that specific weight for at least a few sessions extra before moving up a weight.

  • Small adjustments are preferable than comprehensive overhauls when making improvements.

  • Squeeze the muscle for 6-10 seconds during warm-up sets to help activate it and get blood in the muscle.

  • Stick to your program, don't keep changing it up or moving onto another routine. Before making a decision, stick with one programme for at least 12 weeks.

  • Stretching can be useful for building muscle when used right. Loading and dynamic stretches are great for this.

  • To keep fit and balanced, do some unilateral exercises like split squats and step up variants.

  • To minimise exhaustion and energy usage, keep your set reps clean and quick, with no unnecessary movements.

  • Training partners are great for safety, motivation, and pushing you harder. They're also good to have when you're using advanced intensity techniques.

  • Training to failure is great, but don't always train to failure. 2-3 reps from failure in 80% of your sets works great.

  • Try all different types of exercises to see what works best for you and alternate between various of the same type of exercise, such as alternating between barbell and dumbbell curls.

  • Try different typeof compound exercises. If you can't feel the bench press activating your chest muscles, try the dumbbell press instead.

  • Try to stick to 3 sets per exercise.

  • Use an upper / lower split if you can workout four days a week.

  • Use eccentric and concentric training properly, go slow on the negatives, and go quickly on the positives of the rep.

  • Use isometric exercises, when your at the peak stress point, where it's hardest, hold it there for 5-10 seconds.

  • Using a "heavy / light" strategy, you may change your rep ranges throughout a session or over the course of the week.

  • Utilise bodyweight exercises, like pull ups, press ups, etc, alongside weight lifting,

  • When starting a new programme, start slowly and gradually increase the intensity.

  • Work on weak body parts initially, either at the start of the week or at the beginning of your workout.

  • Work on your muscles, not your ego. Don't lift too heavy weights and injure yourself.

Nutrition Tips:

  • Consume 3-4 litres of water per day.

  • Consume a wide range of healthful fats on a regular basis. Extra virgin olive oil, butter, coconut oil, avocados, mixed nuts, egg yolks, omega 3s, and animal fats are all good alternatives.

  • Don't forget to season your meals with a little salt.

  • Don't let your body fat level get beyond 15%.

  • Don't worry about losing weight before gaining muscle, whatever weight you are you can jump straight into strength and muscle growth workouts.

  • During muscle-building periods, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Some fruits and vegetables have compounds within them that help to build muscle.

  • Find a diet that suits your lifestyle, requirements, and objectives.

  • Gaining muscle mass requires a little calorie excess.

  • However, most underweight people don't consume enough calories. Start with around 16 to 18 calories per lb of bodyweight and gradually increase as needed.

  • If you're a vegetarian or vegan, pay attention to amino acid profiles in their entirety.

  • If you're having trouble gaining weight, 'spike days' and cheat meals might assist you up your weekly calorie consumption. Make sure they're healthy calories, not fast food, etc.

  • If you're having trouble meeting your calorie goals, devoting 10-20% of your calories to easy to digest calories will help. These can be yoghurts, smoothies, etc.

  • If you want to develop the most muscle, intermittent fasting is generally not an optimal option.

  • If you want to gain the most muscle mass, limit your alcohol usage.

  • Include adequate fats in your diet, about 20-30% of total calories should come from fats.

  • Introduce brief ‘mini cuts' to restore insulin sensitivity when weight gain and body fat become uncontrolled.

  • Keep track of how you react to various foods. Stay away from allergenic foods.

  • Keep your calorie intake consistent on weekends - it's easy to lose track when your daily routine shifts.

  • Make sure each meal contains 20 to 40 grams of protein.

  • Make sure you're getting enough carbohydrates, particularly around training time.

  • Make sure you're getting enough protein. Aim for 1.6-2.2 grams per kg per pound of bodyweight as a starting point.

  • Managing your calorie intake is easier if you divide your food into four to six meals.

  • Post-workout, cereals are a good method to get a lot of carbohydrates in quickly and without bloating.

  • Prepare your meals ahead of time in batches.

  • Schedule these larger feedings for the day of your priority body parts, the day before your toughest workouts, or even a day off.

  • To make food prep easier and avoid decision fatigue, eat 80-90% of the same items.

  • To save time and aid digestion, alternate between solid and liquid meals.

  • You should never skip a meal, unless it's part of your plan.

Supplement Tips:

  • A good protein powder can make it easier and more convenient to meet your protein goals.

  • Consume probiotic foods such as kefir, kimchi, and sauerkraut.

  • Creatine monohydrate is the most well-researched and proven product for muscle building; use it to boost your workout performance and strength.

  • Digestive enzymes are beneficial to people who consume a lot of calories.

  • If you're a vegetarian or vegan, you should take a B complex supplement along with creatine.

  • If you're training first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, take EAAs or whey protein during your workout.

  • If you don't consume fatty fish on a regular basis, supplement with omega-3-rich fish oils.

  • If you reside in a place where sunshine is scarce, take Vitamin D3 supplements.

  • There's no need for probiotics. To improve gut health, consume adequate soluble and insoluble fibre.

  • When training fasted, intra-workout carbohydrates can help provide an extra advantage in terms of recovery and performance.

Other Tips:

  • Aim for a weekly weight increase of 0.25 to 0.5 pounds.

  • Attempt to obtain as much restful sleep as possible. It's best to sleep for 7-9 hours.

  • Be consistent and stay in the game for the long haul, muscular development takes time.

  • Chew your meal thoroughly.

  • Don't get too hung up on the number on the scale.

  • Have as many naps as possible.

  • Increase your sex frequency.

  • Keep the goal in mind but focus on the journey.

  • Make the most of your recuperation time by stretching, massaging, and going for vigorous walks.

  • Measure and photograph your body fat on a regular basis to keep track of your progress.

  • Surround yourself with others who share your values and goals for added accountability and good competition.

  • Take control of your stress levels.

  • Use the SMART principles to set a goal (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time sensitive).

  • When seeking muscle mass, focus on performance goals rather than physique/bodyweight goals.

  • You'll have to accept some fat growth if you want to maximise your muscle gain.


The information provided in this article is not intended to replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the guidance of a physician or other competent professional before following advice or taking any supplement. See our terms and conditions.

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