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Evidence-Based Articles

Last Updated:

December 2, 2021 at 9:18:19 PM

On this page you will find our process and policy for evidence-based articles.

Our evidence-based articles are based on the most up-to-date scientific knowledge available. Each major statement, claim, or recommendation is supported with in-line references.

Specialists or researchers on specific topics examine and fact-check the article (our team includes internal scientific reviewers).

Citations and References

All citations and references, whether they are studies, image credits, inspiration, or scientific contributions, are in an article's "references" section. These citations and references are located at the bottom of an article.

We primarily use clinical trials, randomised controlled trials, or other high-quality research (when available) and use trusted sources such as PubMed.

The quality of the evidence supporting a claim must be reflected in the language used in the guidelines. For example, suppose a claim lacks substantial scientific proof and is largely based on a weak basis, such as views, clinical experience, or anecdotes. In that case, we make it clear to the reader that the evidence is limited.


There cannot be any assertions in our information that isn't backed up by science. If a topic is currently controversial, with many experts holding opposing viewpoints to the one we may support, the article will include a disclaimer addressing this.

The disclaimer should provide the scientific reason for disagreeing, along with references where possible, and a discussion of the evidence's possible strengths and flaws for the various perspectives.


Our evidence-based articles are reviewed and updated if required at least once a year to reflect and reference the most recent scientific findings on the subject. This science is discovered by exploring the medical literature on the core subject and staying current on crucial new research.

If new research arises to our knowledge before this date, we will review and update the content immediately.

We devote particular attention to routinely updating sensitive subjects and determining if new information requires us to update or amend our viewpoint in any manner. When we make substantial modifications to our guides, we note it so that visitors can see when the content was last updated.


The content on our website is entirely unbiased, we never recommend our products or services, and we try to be as objective as possible. However, to further ensure trust and our non-biased approach, all writers of evidence-based articles must disclose possible conflicts of interest. This statement is easily accessible on their author page, which may be accessed by clicking on their name.

Because total neutrality is difficult to attain, articles will always reflect the writers' opinion to some extent. However, to avoid bias, we ensure that our recommendations contain information about the subject's potential risks, adverse effects, and drawbacks. We do not overstate benefits or evidence beyond what the research supports.

We strive to get input from thoughtful professionals with a different point of view, and we aim to utilise their comments to enhance our knowledge and our guidelines to prevent mistakes caused by unconscious bias.


While we base our guidance on scientific data, science cannot answer every question. There is also the matter of what to do with our information, which is frequently answered by relying on values.

We want individuals to find our articles and information practical, trustworthy, helpful, simple, and easy to read.

In the case of complementary and alternative therapies, we never tell our visitors not to use a specific treatment. Instead, we may outline any benefits and drawbacks, and the research will support the claims. However, we will always recommend consulting with a competent doctor or expert in that industry.

Scientific Reviews

One or more subject-matter experts review every evidence-based article; for example, a hormone specialist will scientifically review an article related to hormones.

Another example would be if a hormone-related article also involved muscle growth, a qualified expert in this field will also scientifically review the article for accuracy.

Final Word

The material provided on is never meant to substitute expert medical advice.

Please contact us if you notice cases where we are not meeting our high standards as outlined in this policy. We appreciate your input and feedback as we work to become the most recognised and highest-quality online fitness, health, and bodybuilding resource for accurate and trustworthy information.

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