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Snatch Shrug | A Powerful Trap Exercise

Updated: Dec 6, 2019

Snatch Shrugs Traps Exercise:

epeaIf you want to increase your overall neck and traps strength, power and size, even though the snatch shrug is an olympic weightlifting exercise, it is probably still a good exercise for you to do!

Similarly to other primary traps exercises, this exercise will improve the overall strength and size of the necks surrounding muscles, as well as the Trapezius muscle and its surrounding muscles.

To see more traps exercises click here: #traps


Snatch Shrug Traps Exercise Instructions:

Target Muscle: Trapezius (Traps)

Exercise Type: Olympic

Follow these instructions below for a unique, yet effective trap exercise. However you will need to have a barbell, weighted plates and preferably a rack available for usage.

  1. Start this exercise with a wide grip on the bar, at the mid-thigh position. You can use either a hook or an overhand grip and your back should be straight but inclined slightly forward.

  2. Then shrug your shoulders towards your ears. While this exercise can usually by loaded with a heavier weight than a regular snatch, you should avoid overloading to the point that the rep slows down.

  3. Repeat this exercise for your desired amount of repetitions.

Additional Variations: This exercise can also be performed as a "clean shrug", which is the same process as the snatch shrug, other than your hands are in a closer grip. Move your hands towards each other on the bar about 10-20CM and perform the same movements.

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